I was looking around in google maps at the area near where we live to see if they have updated photos of a new road extension that recently was completed, and found a weirdish image of an airplane in one like you sometimes hear about:
View Larger Map
A couple of things jumped out at me:
1. The plane looks flat, which made me wonder why; was it high-altitude and got flattened out in appearance because of the telephoto effect?
2. It doesn't have much in the way of markings except for American flags on the wings.
3. It looks like it is on a pretty steep bank angle
4. It looks like the front of the plane is on the left and the back is on the right, but when you look closely at the wings it looks like the flaps and ailerons are on the leading edge of the wing, which doesn't make sense
5. If you zoom in a little more to see what is on the ground, there is a very small landing strip with a "don't use" X on it that may be a RC strip but I can't tell. I don't know if that has anything to do with the airplane but perhaps it does -- maybe the plane is a remote controlled one being flown from the area immediately below
So, I'm off to search a site that has weird objects in google maps photos to see if there is a better way to identify aircraft in the pics.
UPDATE: Shaun was able to identify this as the Fly-A-Ways RC Club in Aloha, OR.