A while back I was looking for a free subversion host, and I wasn't able to find a whole lot. I had thought about setting up a server on one of my own machines at home, but part of the reason for using a remote host (outside of me not having to hassle with setting it up) was that I wanted it to be offsite so that I didn't have to worry about my clunky old hardware going toes-up and taking out my source code with it. The last time I looked I found cvsdude, which works well but only gives you 2 megs of space for free. Tonight I looked again, and I found unfuddle, which offers free account users 200 megs of space, a vast improvement over 2!
I just started using unfuddle, and I haven't used cvsdude much at all because of the space limitations, so I can't offer a comparison yet. unfuddle is looking better because of the additional space alone, but they also offer a set of project managment tools that might come in handy.
If you love subversion, you'll love having a free offsite host. If you don't love subversion, it just means you haven't used it yet; once you do you'll never want to use anything else. Get yourself the tortoisesvn client and enjoy.
I think Google has Subversion hosting.
As to not wanting to use anything but Subversion, sorry, no. Subversion is better than CVS but it's still not perfect, nb. branching. But for a single developer that's probably not a big issue.
I looked at google and in my usual "if I can't see it in the fridge within two seconds it doesn't exist" way I concluded that they don't do subversion hosting for private projects.
What is your favorite version control system?
John hooked me up the other day with a subversion project on his host, which is tons better even than unfuddle because he gave me tons more room. Thanks John!
Also take a look at ProjectLocker. We just launched free Subversion hosting, Git hosting, and Trac hosting for 2 users and up to 300 MB. If you've got a friend that set you up you're probably fine, of course, but we just wanted to let you and your readers know we're out there :).
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